17 May 2011

The Social Media Effect [Infographic]

An infographic  from Infographic World  covering the revised social media effect

12 May 2011

Use Google tools to translate collaboratively

Collaborative Translation

A group working together to translate a document from SOURCE language to TARGET language:

  1. Type the text in the SOURCE language in a Google Docs document.
  2. Translate it by Google Translate Tool to produce an automatic translation in TARGET language.
  3. Share the Google Docs document with a group of editors.
  4. Each editor/ translator will either approve the automatic translation or edit it.
  5. Publish the final translation in TARGET language.

الترجمة المشتركة
مجموعة تعمل معا لترجمة وثيقة من اللغة المصدر إلى اللغة الهدف:
  1. اكتب النص باللغة المصدر في مستند بأداة مستندات جوجل.
  2. إستخدم أداة مترجم جوجل للترجمة الآلية باللغة الهدف.
  3. شارك المستند بأداة مستندات جوجل مع مجموعة من المحررين.
  4. يعتمد كل محرر / مترجم الترجمة الآلية أو يحررها.
  5. انشر الترجمة النهائية باللغة الهدف.
View the Google Docs document here.

11 May 2011

Research, write and cite documents with Zotero and Google Tools

Zotero is a  research tool that helps you gather, organize, and analyze sources (citations, full texts, web pages, images, and other objects).

View this video tutorial on how to add references from Google Scholar and Google Books in Google Docs documents.

The online researchers use Google tools to find research materials and write the draft research document that includes all the references they had used.

Bibliographic information (i.e., the author, title, publisher, etc.) are extracted from a book in Google Search or from an article in Google Scholar and added to a Zotero Collection.

The collection items are organized then added by "drag and drop" feature into the Google Docs document.